Nominations open for Ministerial appointments to QEII Board of Directors
Posted By QEII National Trust | January 27, 2023
The Minister of Conservation Hon Poto Williams is now seeking nominations for appointments to the QEII National Trust Board of Directors.
There are six directors on the QEII National Trust Board. Four appointed by the Minister of Conservation and two elected by QEII National Trust members. The current member-elected directors, elected in 2022, are Donna Field and Graham Mourie.
Applicants should have expertise in conservation, rural land ownership, te ao Māori and kaitiakitanga to be considered for appointment as well as experience with governance, financial and investment acumen and land and environment management. In making appointments, the Minister must have regard to environmental and conservation values, the interests of rural landowners and the Māori community.
Appointments are for up to three-year terms and board directors attend four to five board meetings per year.
Applications close at 5:00 pm on 28 February 2023 and any person or organisation can make a nomination.
More information, including the position description and the application form is available on the Department of Conservation website.