Governor-General launches Partners in Protection
Posted By QEII National Trust | September 23, 2021
Our supporters and donors play a vital role in helping QEII National Trust to protect Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural and cultural heritage in partnership with landowners. Our new programme, Partners in Protection, will allow our generous supporters to support QEII by leaving a gift in their will.
Partners in Protection was officially launched on Tuesday 21 September at an event at Government House. The scaled-down launch was hosted by our Vice-Regal Patron Her Excellency the Rt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy Governor-General of New Zealand and attended by the Minister of Conservation Hon Kiri Allan and some of our network of supporters and stakeholders.
QEII National Trust Chairman Bruce Wills said, “We’ve added three or four covenants every week since QEII started its work in 1978. With greater numbers comes a larger workload, and ever-increasing maintenance and monitoring requirements.

“It’s a lot of work to support landowners in the management of these covenants and, unfortunately, it’s even more difficult to focus on creating new covenants while also caring for an ever-growing number of existing ones.
“Landowners are already leaving a legacy by protecting their land with QEII, and we are now focussed on strengthening this commitment through our Partners in Protection programme.
“We’ve got a proven recipe, and as a covenantor, I’ve experienced first-hand the incredible support landowners get from QEII – and the sense of pride and enjoyment in knowing my land is protected in perpetuity.”
“We’ve reached a stage where we need to take control of our destiny and have certainty of our own existence, so that we can help to ensure our special places of ecological and cultural significance remain for future generations.

For more information about Partners in Protection and donating to QEII, see the donation page on the QEII website or get in touch with our Fundraising Manager Bryna O’Brien by email at bobrien@qeii.org.nz or call her on 027 295 5369.