Planting day at Tahi dunes
Posted By QEII National Trust | September 2, 2020
In July students from two Whangarei primary schools took part in a planting project at Pataua beach. Situated at the north end of Pataua ocean beach, the dunes are part of the Tahi Eco Sanctuary and are forever protected by a QEII National Trust covenant.
The Whangarei Primary’s Enviroschools group attended the planting day, which they have turned into an annual trip. This was their fourth time visiting Tahi’s dunes, and they were joined by students from Totara Grove Primary. The pupils have now planted more than 9,000 seedlings as part of the dune restoration project, which is aimed at protecting a rare coastal sand daphne.
The protection of this dwindling species comes because of a three-year research project into the apparent decline of autetaranga, Pimelea villosa by Dr David Bergin in 2017. Dr Bergin recommended a whole of dune management approach at Pataua to try and save the dwindling species.
Since then the project has received backing from QEII’s Stephenson Fund, the Northland Regional Council and Tahi eco sanctuary.
All photo credits: Malcolm Pullman