Leave Behind
A Lasting Legacy

Generous individuals who leave gifts to the QEII National Trust in their Wills form a vital component of our funding.

By bequeathing funds to us, you are helping to protect New Zealand’s precious natural and cultural places, leaving a legacy for all of New Zealand to enjoy. You are also helping to support the maintenance and enhancement of existing protected places through initiatives like the Stephenson Fund.

General gifts provide flexibility for us to respond to conservation issues as they emerge. However we would be delighted to discuss with you the best options if you wish to leave a bequest targeted at a specific purpose.

Please contact Bryna O’Brien to talk about your wishes and how we might be able to accommodate your wishes:

bobrien@qeii.org.nz or 027 295 5369.

Making A Gift
In Your Will

When making your Will, it is easy to include a gift to the QEII National Trust, however we do recommend that you seek the advice of your lawyer or other adviser first.

When it comes to Wills, simple errors in wording can create confusion and delays in carrying out your wishes. It is important you include the full name of the charity – Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust – together with our registered charity number which is CC28488.

bequest clauses

Gift of money for specific purpose:

“I give to the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust, registered charity number CC2848, the sum of $[dollar amount] or [percentage] % of my estate. Without imposing any trust, I ask the National Trust to use the money for [specific purpose]. A receipt which my trustee believes was given on behalf of that organisation will be a full discharge to my trustee for the gift.

Gift of money for general purposes:

I give to the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust, registered charity number CC2848, the sum of $[dollar amount] or [percentage] % of my estate, to be applied for the general purposes of Queen Elizabeth II National Trust. A receipt which my trustee believes was given on behalf of that organisation will be a full discharge to my trustee for the gift.

Gift of property only in exceptional circumstances

We are able to receive gifts of property only in exceptional cases, such as with Remarkables Station.

If you wish to leave a gift of property to QEII National Trust, for us to sell or with the intention for QEII to maintain, we ask that you please discuss this with us in advance of you gift. If not, we may not be able to receive the gift.

To discuss any aspect of gifting to QEII National Trust, please contact Bryna O’Brien at bobrien@qeii.org.nz or 027 295 5369.

We would love to hear from you if you have arranged a gift to us in your Will, so that we can discuss how you would like this to be used and acknowledge your gift in your lifetime.

Registered Charitable Entity

Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust is a registered charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005. Registration number: CC28488.