Vote for your favourite NZ plant
Posted By QEII National Trust | October 25, 2019
What’s your favourite New Zealand Plant? Are you a bit partial to the beautiful blooms on the kowhai tree? Or maybe it’s the intricate details of the silver fern that tickles your fancy? At QEII, it’s no secret that we love native plants. To celebrate all the amazing native life found in Aotearoa the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network (NZPCN) are running an online vote to find out which plant is New Zealand’s favourite.

This annual event has been running since 2002 and is a great way to find out which native plants New Zealanders love and why. It also helps raise greater awareness and appreciation of native New Zealand plants as well as highlighting some of our rarer or threatened species. Last year, an orchid, Caladenia alata, took out the title for the first time and in 2011 two liverworts featured in the top 10, these are tiny primitive plants which most people think are slime!
Voting opened at midnight on 24 October 2019 and runs for a month. Voting can be done on the NZPCN website. Simply use the search tool to find your favourite plant species and select the “Vote for your Favourite Native Plant” button on the right-hand side to go through and cast your vote.
Voting is limited to one vote per person, so we’ll be sharing some of our favourite plant species over the month to get you inspired.