Mapping out GPS on the Polnoon route
Posted By QEII National Trust | September 11, 2018
Some of our regional representatives get to see such amazing views in their day to day work and we love sharing that with the world.
Our Central Otago rep, Rob Wardle spent some time over the winter marking and GPSing points for the Polnoon route on Coronet Peak Station which is part of the Mahu Whenua covenants.

Joining Rob were several volunteers John Robinson, Garry Nixon, Mark Smith and Kate Wardle from Alexandra, Richard Parsons (farmer and QEII Covenantor) of Waikerirkeri Valley and Albane Sessau all the way from France.
The Polnoon route links the Branches Station Road in Shotover Valley to the remote North Motatapu Consesrvation Area.

This lightly marked unformed route comprises 16 kilometres of remote backcountry travel. The route is recommended for fit experienced trampers with remote backcountry skills.
8km into the walk a 1.5km marked route leads to a view point of the Oxenbridge Tunnel where in the 1930’s gold miners diverted the entire Polnoon Burn into the Sheil Burn via a 250 metre tunnel. In winter months the Branches Station Road access point is not recommended due to mud, frost and snow.

The route is marked up to the point where it exits the Mahu Whenua covenants and meets conservation land on a saddle which divides the the Polnoon Burn from the North Motatapu Valley. From here, in summer months, the Treble Cone Ski Area can be accessed through the North Motatapu Conservation Area.
This unmarked route is steep in places and climbs all the way up to 2,000 metres above sea level where in a typical year snow lies for 8 months.

As you can see from the pictures, it is a beautiful area and we’re so proud to be working with landowners to ensure that it is protected forever.