Call for nominations for QEII National Trust Board of Directors
Posted By QEII National Trust | September 7, 2021
UPDATE 17 December 2021: please note, nominations for candidates for the 2022 director elections have closed as of 12:00 pm, Friday 17 December 2021.
Nominations for the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust 2022 director elections are now open.
The nomination period runs from Tuesday 7 September 2021 to Friday 17 December 2021. Two directors will be elected, to serve a three-year term effective as of 1 April 2022.
Only QEII members (current honorary covenantors, life members, financial members, or an officer of a corporate member) can make a nomination or be nominated and vote in the elections. Members can nominate themselves if they wish.
Directors should have some or all of the following skills:
- Knowledge of agricultural production and private land management
- Knowledge of biodiversity and ecological values and conservation principles
- Experience in governance and strategic thinking and planning
- Experience in community projects and networks and the ability to represent the National Trust’s covenanting membership as a whole.
Once the candidates have been confirmed, ballot papers and voting forms will be sent to all eligible voting members in early February 2022. Votes will be able to be submitted electronically or by post and will close just over a month later, on 14 March 2022. After the voting period has closed, results will be confirmed by the end of March 2022.
More information about nominating a QEII member as a candidate for the elections and FAQ’s about the elections is available here.
For any other queries relating to the nomination and election process, email iro@electionz.com or phone 0800 666 049.