QEII wants to support covenantors in the region by extending The Stephenson Fund, but we need your help to do this.
Make a difference and donate to QEII for cyclone relief.
We have $50,000 to distribute and we want to raise another $50,000 to match it. There are a wide variety of issues that covenantors are facing – everything from stock management, weed and pest management, replanting, and simply cleaning up and assessing the damage to their covenants.
When homes and livelihoods are in peril, covenant repair is understandably lower down the list for landowners. Your donation can have an important impact, removing one issue in the massive list of tasks for recovery.
The Stephenson Fund application process allows covenantors to tell us what they need. It means that we can be responsive without dictating too much what a grant can be used for.
If you can make a donation of $50, $100 or $500, together we will ensure that it goes directly to supporting covenants impacted by this year’s extreme weather events.
Any questions? Contact Bryna O’Brien on 027 295 5369 or at bobrien@qeii.org.nz